About Me

Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hi I'm Louise and I've been working with children for over 8 years! Having working in a private day nursery for 6years and now currently working as a Nanny for two families per week. I have been a Nanny since September 2010. I love being able to provide the children in my care a range of different play based activities which they may otherwise never get to experience . I also try to ensure that whilst having fun they're learning important skills to help promote their development and life skills.


It's those simple things in life that make a child smile! 

Practise those throwing and catching skills, colour matching, 
blowing (great for supporting speech), counting, Tickle those Tums and toes the list if endless watch and see what happens when you present your little ones with a tub 
full of feathers your have a room full of laughter and very happy children! 

Got a fan? then hold a hand full of feathers in front of it and watch 
them fly away and float down to the group. 

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